Aug 21, 2012

Alberobello, Italy

The town is named after the primitive oak forest
Arboris Belli (beautiful trees) that once covered
this area.
The magical town looks like it
is out of a Fairytale

Trulli Holiday #19
This is the Trullo we stayed in. Absolutely charming.
I highly recommend Trulli Holiday for your
Trulli vacation rental.

La Chiesa a Trullo di Sant'Antonio built in 1927
(a Trullo church) and some shops.

Bruno Maggio whistles.
In Puglia there is an ancient tradition of
earthenware whistles, the above are made by Bruno Maggio.

Bruno Maggio was born in 1943 in San Cesario di Lecce.
His works are in museums, public and private
collections and now a part of our collection.
They are so fu
n and make us smile.

Aug 20, 2012

Zoosafari Fasano, IT

Deer, burros & goats at the zoosafari, they wanted
to come into the car & eat or they wanted us to
take them with us.

Ferragosto August 15

Ferragosto Monte di Procida
The Catholic Church celebrates this date as a Holy
Day of Obligation to commemorate the Assumption of
the Virgin Mary—the real physical elevation of her
sinless soul and incorrupt body, into Heaven. The
town takes Mary on a precession to each of the three
churches. Followers sang and recite prayers.
Children were pulled along in wagons by pony's.

Aug 14, 2012


Plaster Cast
When human remains were found, plaster was poured
into the molds left by their rotted bodies.

Large wood-burning oven and mill-stones.
Each mill consists of two mill-stones, one stationary
and one hollow and shaped like a funnel. The
funnel-shaped stone had slots, into which wooden levers
could be inserted so that the stone could be rotated.
Each mill would have been operated either by manpower or
with the help of a donkey or horse (in one bakery, the
skeletons of several donkeys were discovered). In order
to make flour, grain was poured from above into the
hollow stone and then was ground between the two stones.

Men's baths

Aug 13, 2012

Sant'Agata de'Goti

Sant'Agata de'Goti 

Acquedotto Carolino
Commissioned by King Charles of Bourbon in March 1753,

this aqueduct provided the water supply to the
ctiy of San Leucio, and also the Reggia di Caserta
The Royal Palace of Caserta

Duomo di Sant'Agata de' Goti